What’s truly important…

Whitney with a pink bow

The day my daughter was diagnosed with cancer, I told my friend that I could not live in this world without her. I could barely imagine an hour not seeing Whitney’s face much less a lifetime. BUT, today marks 3 years since she went to heaven. 3 years I haven’t caressed her skin, kissed her lips and smelled her stinky toes. When I look around, all I can see is her happy face…as if she is a cloud that follows me on my journey. Her smile, giggle and infectious positivity guide me and drive me! Today I will mourn her but then be grateful for the blessings she has given me. So although today is not a happy day, it is a day that reminds us what is truly important.

I’ll see you in eternity angel…


What’s truly important…


Hi! I am Tracy Posillico. Our lives were turned right-side up when our daughter was diagnosed with cancer. We learned to eat better, live well and love hard. Follow me as I raise funds as awareness for Pediatric Cancer and share my love of Health. Always BELIEVE-ing

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