Can you go a week without your microwave?!


Just be open to it. Consider it. I haven’t used one in four years! Previous to my daughter being diagnosed with cancer my lifestyle was mediocre, at best. I was a die-hard lean cuisine girl and I microwaved anything from frozen meals to microwavable steamer bags. It didn’t taste as good but it was easier!

When Whitney got sick, my life changed. My diet did a 180 and everything around me became organic, pure, green and as safe as it could be. Along my journey, I read an article that explained how the microwave turned each category of food into a carcinogen and I immediately ditched the questionable appliance!

What the microwave may be doing to your food:
Changing your food’s chemical structure– that just sounds bad!
Reducing the nutrients, “after 60 seconds, garlic’s cancer-fighting ingredient was considered inactive!”- yikes!
Forming carcinogens in almost every food!- that can’t be good!
Releasing toxins from your food packaging into your food– awful!

Tips on how to ditch the microwave:
Toaster oven!- make food or heat it up.
Use a pan or pot! It takes an extra five minutes but tastes so much better!
Steamer oven- this is extremely pricey but keep it in mind. As it becomes more popular, I am hoping the price decreases! It heats your food with steam so it is safe and your meal becomes more moist instead of drying out.
Eat some raw food!

Need ideas for lunch on-the-go sans a microwave:
Try a sandwich- Avocado Egg Salad
Cold salads with beans or grains- try my Mesclun Salad with Chickpeas, Fresh Herb Potato Salad or Lentil Rainbow Salad
Quinoa- take a look at my Mexican Quinoa
Wrap up some veggies and hummus

Try it- Ditch the microwave for 1 week. I dare you! It might be hard at first but you will get into your routine quickly.

Dr. Mercola describes the whole picture on microwaves very well in this article:

Can you go a week without your microwave?!


Hi! I am Tracy Posillico. Our lives were turned right-side up when our daughter was diagnosed with cancer. We learned to eat better, live well and love hard. Follow me as I raise funds as awareness for Pediatric Cancer and share my love of Health. Always BELIEVE-ing

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