Our human experience teaches our soul the lessons we can only learn through humanity. -JPD

Lotus in Headstand 3

A dear friend said this to me the other day and it meant so much. These are my thoughts…

I often think about life, death and our spirit. I always have. Even as a person of faith, I grew up being terrified of death. I would cry about it when I was young. I couldn’t understand why life was so short. When my daughter passed away those feelings immediately subsided.

More than ever I see less of a distinction from the heavens to the earth. A smooth transition from the physical body to the spiritual. We continue life…in a different way.

I see Whitney continuing to affect others and remaining a part of people’s lives. Her spirit is absolutely vibrant and in our everyday. You often send me photos of ladybugs you believe to be Whitney. Her physical body is very different these days but her soul continues to shine strong!

Our experiences grow our souls…

Always BELIEVE-ing…

Our human experience teaches our soul the lessons we can only learn through humanity. -JPD


Hi! I am Tracy Posillico. Our lives were turned right-side up when our daughter was diagnosed with cancer. We learned to eat better, live well and love hard. Follow me as I raise funds as awareness for Pediatric Cancer and share my love of Health. Always BELIEVE-ing

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