No Excuses…

No Excuses

We often make ourselves feel better by excusing our behavior and actions.

“I can’t do this because…”
“My life is not the way I want because…”
“I’m sad because…”
“I’m overweight because…”

Life is short and excuses will keep you from attaining your goals. They will keep you in your comfort zone. You will never be completely content with yourself. BUT, we can make the decision to be happy and to achieve our goals.

My husband discussed this with me a few years ago. Or should I say he pointed it out for me and I am happy he did. “Just do it and make the decision to be happy with whatever it is that you do, no excuses.” So I leapt. I attempt to make a difference in Childhood Cancer with the “Whit Whit Walk” although it is a constant reminder that my daughter died of cancer. I’m terrified of falling on my face as I blog about health and soul. But, I write because I hope to change lives and if I fall it will be because I tried.

Get uncomfortable and take a chance. Choose success, whatever that may mean to you, because life is short and absolutely worth it!



No Excuses…


Hi! I am Tracy Posillico. Our lives were turned right-side up when our daughter was diagnosed with cancer. We learned to eat better, live well and love hard. Follow me as I raise funds as awareness for Pediatric Cancer and share my love of Health. Always BELIEVE-ing

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