I find it particularly hard to stop thinking regardless of what I am doing. My most difficult challenge is staying present in life. It is something I am fully aware of. I practice it often and I still am not good at it. BUT, I know everyday it improves a tiny bit.
Yoga has taught me to stay in the moment. I am not able to do it for an entire class. I often think of my to do list, what someone said to me before class, I stare at my toe nails remembering I have to cut them or the fact that I am reminded that I need to shave my legs.
That being said, when I am upside down, I am completely present. My mind is not thinking. The breaks have come to a complete stop. I am at peace. It is there I feel closest to my angel, Whitney. It is my happy place. I can only be there for another week or so because of my pregnancy and then I will have to find another pose to quiet my mind. Until then, I am enjoying the silence in my head for those few minutes…seconds. When I return to my upright position, I feel relieved and more calm.
What the heck do you do to quiet the voice in your head?